amigomigo asks
14 years ago
anyone knows like us 独中生can study in those public uni like MMU, UKM? with UEC? or only SPM/STPM ? :-o
latest #22
Chin Lee  says
14 years ago
MMU can ah.. others not sure
amigomigo says
14 years ago
use UEC?
Chin Lee  says
14 years ago
yup senior one, junior one i think cannot (LOL)
amigomigo says
14 years ago
amigomigo says
14 years ago
you k now UUM?
amigomigo says
14 years ago
Chin Lee  says
14 years ago
don't know
Fειiсiα says
14 years ago
after uec then study stpm
amigomigo says
14 years ago
pengsan lo like tht...
Fειiсiα says
14 years ago
emm.. one of my fren went for stpm after uec..
齊天大Shen  says
14 years ago
eat full too free.. after uec still go for stpm...
amigomigo says
14 years ago
for which uni? o.0
Fειiсiα says
14 years ago
sabah -.-
amigomigo says
14 years ago
I see... hmm.....
Fειiсiα says
14 years ago
u wanna further study ?
amigomigo says
14 years ago
Wakakakaka sot mer... is my colleague.. worrying about his son whether should enter independent secondary sch or government one..
Fειiсiα says
14 years ago
oic.. stpm 1and half yr, after that uni 4yrs... if direct enter private college only 3yrs... but the fees got diff lar..
amigomigo says
14 years ago
I see... I see.... :-o yalo.. is about the fees...
Fειiсiα says
14 years ago
no money no talk~
Javin  says
14 years ago
uec is good enough. don't spend extra time for stpm
齊天大Shen  says
14 years ago
i agree with tht..
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