zee is
15 years ago
getting hit on by a 31 yr old guy from ireland while playing SCRABBLE!!!
latest #15
zee says
15 years ago
and the sad part is, it's me who's winning. not him
❄️GoldenGurl❄️ says
15 years ago
ahhh the fun of the internet :-P
zee says
15 years ago
zee says
15 years ago
this friend of mine is making me flirt with him
zee says
15 years ago
i told him that i wont!!
❄️GoldenGurl❄️ says
15 years ago
well i guess you're trying to make him feel better about losing, lol
zee says
15 years ago
zee says
15 years ago
would be bad to lose to a 20 yr old asian girl
zee says
15 years ago
zee says
15 years ago
he just scored 72 points!
zee says
15 years ago
zee says
15 years ago
my friend reckons that he's getting help coz it's taking him ages to take his turn
❄️GoldenGurl❄️ says
15 years ago
did he get a triple word score or something?
zee says
15 years ago
i just had to compliment him for that. lol
zee says
15 years ago
woohoo!! i won though
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