superphly loves
16 years ago
the idea of a Twitter -> Plurk -> Pownce -> Facebook bridge. Oh, and brightkite.
latest #14
dcousineau says
16 years ago
all we need now is API docs
plesko says
16 years ago
and it all needs to be brought to me automatically - growl style
superphly says
16 years ago
with support for RSS and Ajax and Google Maps and Google Earth
superphly says
16 years ago
mashup hell!
dcousineau says
16 years ago
and maybe even DMV and IRS integration!
dcousineau says
16 years ago
"that fucker with the vanity plates cut me off!" *run plates, plot with brightkite+googlemaps, twitter my homies, and a drive by plurking
plesko says
16 years ago
and itunes support
dcousineau says
16 years ago
thanks plesko, you can use itunes to cue up your drive-bye music. Me thinks some Andrew Bird thrown in with some Voxtrot?
plesko says
16 years ago
add in and make karma affect credit :-)
dcousineau says
16 years ago
hahah we have a winner!
waynesutton says
16 years ago
I agree
16 years ago
misquotes the Beastie Boys: "Drive by plurking plaguing L.A."
▄▀ TVisio ▀▄ says
16 years ago
n don fergit StumbleUponwhetstonetv.stumbleupon.... B-)
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