Cei Wa
15 years ago
Season officially changes, so does my name. From now on, I'd love to notice all of you that my title has been changed from Hower to Ian.
latest #15
15 years ago
TOO MANY NAMES!! In PR, INCONSISTENCY is a taboo!! Hahahaha
15 years ago
Ian?!?!? why changed and why pick this "don't know where it comes from"name?
15 years ago
btw,I think what Claire said is totally true.
Cei Wa
15 years ago
haha~I choose Ian for a particular reason, and has a romantic story behind it. I'd love to share with you some time.
Cei Wa
15 years ago
BTW, at least Big sister was pro for this change. She thought Ian is much suitable for me. (LOL)
15 years ago
Not really. Look at the famous Ian: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ia...
Cei Wa
15 years ago
I knew him~plz get him out of my mind (woot)
Cei Wa
15 years ago
Name is a kind of iconography showing your personal image and identity, (unsure)I guess thath's the reason I change it all the time
15 years ago
Haha but you need to research on the existed mind-set in the market before selecting the new image position.
15 years ago
E.g. Now I would relate your new image to Ian McKellen simply because his name is already embedded in my mind (and many others I believe)
Cei Wa
15 years ago
lemonadec: I totally understand your point, since I've be reading IMC articles and research lately
Cei Wa
15 years ago
Plus Ian Mckellen used to be a cute one, he was once young and wrinkle-free. (LOL)
15 years ago
Hahaha... so I sounded very IMC-ish huh?! Omg.. that's totally one of our IMC class objectives set by our strict, tough and challenging
15 years ago
professor: to apply marketing concept in everywhere and to think like a marketer in anytime
Cei Wa
15 years ago
lemonadec: Screw him.....sorry, a slip of tongue. :-P
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