Delski says
15 years ago
sometimes a little bit of chance is all you need..but doesn't mean that she will give you any..and indeed, that is really hurt you.. much..
Delski says
15 years ago
when you know that you've done 1 little mistake in you're life, then everything turns out against you, then you just lost it all..
Delski says
15 years ago
although you've tried every efforts that you think you can just can't return it the way it was..
Delski says
15 years ago
and the worst thing is, when you gave up and tried to let it go.. you also can't.. your mind just won't allow you to do that..
Delski says
15 years ago
submission to God probably the best way.. but still you can't let this thing out of your mind.. not even for a single day..
kitakitaqq says
15 years ago
ha?kok dikomen2 sendiri...lagu ya?