I creted a new me on Raverly
latest #36
New you? What was wrong with the old you?
Franni I have not been feeling to well. I have just got back on today...
Stitchstud I always wanted my name to be a favorite statement I say
I am still Lysecreations on Rav
but I created my new split person called GoFuckaMonkey
I added you to my friends for both my names on Ravelry
I hope they let me keep it
i sure hope you keep feeling better
I knew that was the name you wanted!
I think I will feel better after Tuesday. I go for surgery
Starkdude, wonder if I can monkey my page out
yes, your name got a flag
maybe you can change it to GFM
anyone who matters would know what it means
Why I get flagged and someone name is Bitch on there
2 people said it was an offensive name
but I don't know who they are
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