193028(Frosty) says
15 years ago
my date wont see paranormal activity OR saw. i dont think this is going to work out
latest #23
Nana Yeah!
15 years ago
lol wow.
193028(Frosty) says
15 years ago
already saw zombieland she dont wanna see it again
Nana Yeah!
15 years ago
I won't see Saw in theatres. For actual un-disclosable personal reasons.
Nana Yeah!
15 years ago
193028(Frosty) says
15 years ago
i never have seen a saw in theaters but i would. guess i gotta suck it up and see couples retreat
Nana Yeah!
15 years ago
... Couple's Retreat? Not MY kind of girl, but if that's the way your cookie crumbles
193028(Frosty) says
15 years ago
she did opt for in-n-out over outback and all other fancy places i offered.
15 years ago
hm. In n out over outback? I'd say the pro outweighs the con, ha
15 years ago
but hey, you have a date. good stuff
193028(Frosty) says
15 years ago
wound up goin to mels anyway
Nana Yeah! says
15 years ago
very good outlook Ruben; you've GOT a date ^-^
193028(Frosty) says
15 years ago
think its just one more to my 1st no 2nd collection
15 years ago
think positively. if you go into it thinking negatively she'll pick up on it.
193028(Frosty) says
15 years ago
you give people too much credit. most are so unobservant its sad. long story.
15 years ago
yeah, they are. but better to assume they're one of the observant ones than risk it
Nana Yeah!
15 years ago
... I heard on some radio show something about how this generation is too obsessed with theirselves to worry about others
Nana Yeah!
15 years ago
They blamed videogame entertainment, MP3 players (causes lack of public interaction or something), and texting
Nana Yeah!
15 years ago
I think new consoles help with social interactions though, if you're the type of person who games outside of your circle
Nana Yeah!
15 years ago
Not all of them.
Nana Yeah!
15 years ago
I met some cool people by playing video games with them
Nana Yeah!
15 years ago
... you also learn tips from them, it's how I got good at L4D.
193028(Frosty) says
15 years ago
life is a odd mix of simple and complicated
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