Yabbo wonders
16 years ago
if it's such a good idea to go out on a date with his ex this weekend? Yes or no people?
latest #14
Jabberwock asks
16 years ago
with which ex are we speaking? And who proposed the idea?
Elfy thinks
16 years ago
dates with exs are generally a bad idea... which ex?
bella.nyc says
16 years ago
it usually tends to bring back bad memories. or constant thoughts after about their feelings towards you.
bella.nyc says
16 years ago
if you don't do the 'deed' then by all means go.
Yabbo says
16 years ago
Leigh, he wants to hook up before i leave this city. Not sure why he wants to, i cheated the pants off him..
Jabberwock says
16 years ago
I say do it, but not as a date, just as friends, leave Bristol and things between you guys on good terms
Yabbo says
16 years ago
uh I guess you're right, but it just freaks me out a bit, he always really wanted to be with me still.
Yabbo says
16 years ago
I don't think it's good to see your ex if you or they still want to be with you. Hopefully he's over it though by now
bella.nyc asks
16 years ago
yabbo... did you hang out with him??? how did it go?
Yabbo says
16 years ago
nope, it was his idea then he kinda ignored me when I said cool lets meet, ah well, guess he wasn't ready afterall. I can understand that
bella.nyc says
16 years ago
it's prob for the best. i hate flakes even tho i am one.
Yabbo says
16 years ago
I hate it when people flake out too, but he does it lots, we'd off got back together ages ago if he wasn't so flaky. So I don't mind so much
Yabbo says
16 years ago
I'd never have met matt if I'd stuck with the flaky boy, and I probably wouldn't be moving cities
bella.nyc says
16 years ago
ahhhh lil matthew. where art thou? i miss him as you prob do more, but still. ::sigh::
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