Dominus asks
14 years ago
if anyone plays World of Warcraft here?
latest #18
Archnemesis™ says
14 years ago
used to (goodluck)
PahaMehPahaLoh says
14 years ago
my dream guy
Archnemesis™ says
14 years ago
back to playin diablo 2
Dominus says
14 years ago
eh, your dream guy? Australian server or?
Archnemesis™ says
14 years ago
private server
Dominus says
14 years ago
aiya, thought can have more friends to play with.
Archnemesis™ says
14 years ago
sorry i quiited that game for a long time already
Dominus says
14 years ago
They're releasing another expansion soon... sian
Archnemesis™ says
14 years ago
i dun play online anymore
Dominus says
14 years ago
Archnemesis™ says
14 years ago
waste of time and energy and of coz money
Archnemesis™ says
14 years ago
everyday fight the same monsters pk the same pple and alwasy sleep late and waste money on weapons and yumcha wif friends
Dominus says
14 years ago
lol. I suppose you have your points. Right now I'm playing with my 2 brothers so everymonth i'm paying 75bucks for each accounts.
Archnemesis™ says
14 years ago
yeah its expensive for the accounts.. i used to be a gm in an RO Private server
Dominus says
14 years ago
Used to play RO too, but that's so long ago. Then I switched to FFXI, but that game's pretty dead now.
Archnemesis™ says
14 years ago
dats why play pc and console games are the best and play board games!
Archnemesis™ says
14 years ago
Dominus says
14 years ago
board games are slow and i'm lazy to do the calculations on my own.
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