snzeh is
15 years ago
is glad to see jacco here..! :-D (hoe lang geleden!!)
latest #7
jaccog says
15 years ago
That would be 7 years ago!
snzeh says
15 years ago
No way..! 2002 when I left you in the passenger seat of the car in London? Sure it wasn't before?
jaccog says
15 years ago
2002 for sure. And I still tell that story every now and then :-)
snzeh says
15 years ago
snzeh says
15 years ago
so sorry about that day - i was so excited to see my brother. you know how it is :-D was really very funny..!
jaccog says
15 years ago
It was, especially the cops that got confused by the steering wheel at the wrong side of the car
snzeh says
15 years ago
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