inumama is
16 years ago
having some homemade soup... and then going to worrrrrk
latest #20
Ouchies says
16 years ago
homemade soup sounds sooo good
inumama says
16 years ago
it was veggie :-) 7 kinds of beans, tomatoes, green pepper, carrots, leeks, pearl barley and brown rice penne noodles. :9
inumama says
16 years ago
*tries to share* *smooshes all over comp screen* mmmm
Ouchies says
16 years ago
yay screen mush! *licks*
tantrum says
16 years ago
uhhhhh... funny how soup only sounds delicious when it's in a bowl...
inumama says
16 years ago
tantrum says
16 years ago
no all food actually kinda sounds bad in mouth... and looks bad... and starts to smell kinda bad...
Ouchies says
16 years ago
like if you say the same word over and over it stops sounding like a word...
Ouchies says
16 years ago
only with food
Ouchies says
16 years ago
ham is just the weirdest word... say it a bunch of times. it's so WEIRD!
Ouchies says
16 years ago
tantrum says
16 years ago
banana banana banana banan a banananan abana bana bandana banan a a a b abana
16 years ago
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