15 years ago
waves at more ppl that I don't know who sent friend requests an' I added as fans. No offenses!
latest #9
15 years ago
See, I'll never get the whole 'fan' concept.. it comes across as arrogant, to me- like assigning someone as a fan is putting them beneath
15 years ago
you. They should come up with another word for it. Personally, no one TELLS me I'm a fan of theirs, lol
15 years ago
And what is so bad about making new friends? ;-)
15 years ago
15 years ago
agrees they are silly words. I'm not going to claim I'm a friend of some total stranger, but they're free to follow me if they want!
15 years ago
... and Plurk calls that "Fan", so there we are. :-)
Velicia says
15 years ago
For me it's more about not cluttering my timeline with updates from people I don't know, and thus have little interest in seeing updates.
15 years ago
That too! An' I still don't want to keep them from following me if for some reason they want to.
Stacia Villota says
15 years ago
hmm... guess that's why I'm a fan. Despite shared kitteh bits... (LOL)
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