Shocolatte asks
16 years ago
The best things in life are free... Agree? (s_LOL) - Gaki
latest #114
Samantha says
16 years ago
I say, like love! :3 Rabu. Ai. Pag-ibig. Liebe. Amour. Amore. Liefde.
Bots says
16 years ago
yeah they are.
Harold says
16 years ago
everything costs something. Love most of all.
MikeT says
16 years ago
I agree with Neoskeptic. :-))
16 years ago
suddenly believes in the no free lunch principle of economics. Opportunity cost need not be monetary.
SiOps says
16 years ago
yeah it costs u ur sanity...
Samantha says
16 years ago
But you can always give love for free! :3
Shiro says
16 years ago
And heart. And innocence. And hope for humanity.
MikeT says
16 years ago
Inexperience is the cost for innocence.
c_mo says
16 years ago
Happiness has a cost... Love has costs... Freedom itself is built upon the blood and bones of our forefathers... :-(
c_mo says
16 years ago
P u n t i
16 years ago
of course. hehehe
Samantha says
16 years ago
I don't think happiness has a cost. If you choose to be happy, then you can be happy.
MikeT says
16 years ago
When you're happy, you're usually naive to the unhappy things around you. Naivity is the cost of happiness. :-D
c_mo says
16 years ago
choosing to be happy at no cost will cost you a trip to the loony bin. (LOL). But being happy for being happy is already its cost isnt it?
16 years ago
sings: ♫When you're happy and you know it clap your hands!♫
Samantha says
16 years ago
I'd like to prefer to term it as 'another perspective' rather than naivety. :3 You see things in another way.
c_mo says
16 years ago
you trade in the weights on your shoulders in order to truly be happy. The cost is the loss of the burden...
MikeT says
16 years ago
I agree with c_mo. :-D
c_mo is
16 years ago
being bitter... (s_sick) stupid cold. I cant wait to "cost" you in exchange for my happiness!
Samantha says
16 years ago
I'm not entirely sure what you meant by trading in the weights on your shoulders to be truly happy. XD
Harold says
16 years ago
When you do something "for free" that just means you don't mind the cost. (time and effort - one of them you can never get back.)
c_mo says
16 years ago
i mean, happiness is the absence of sadness... To truly be happy you have to be unburdened and problem free.
c_mo says
16 years ago
to achieve that... is the cost of your happiness...
Bots says
16 years ago
Opportunity cost is a perception as is the value of what is received. Free is merely another perception!
c_mo says
16 years ago
16 years ago
would like to comment that when we're too happy, we usually lose practicality. :-D
Bots says
16 years ago
Yes, you give up your sanity :-D
Samantha says
16 years ago
It's not about being too happy. I think it's more on being happy that you're alive and these things come to you, with drive and a smile . .
Samantha says
16 years ago
it is possible to unburden yourself. :-P
c_mo says
16 years ago
oops, weird, I plurked that in another area... :-P
MikeT asks
16 years ago
What did you lose when you became happy?
c_mo says
16 years ago
"On a journey to find happiness, I inadvertently lost myself..."
Bots says
16 years ago
True. You have given up something you held dear. Even if now you'll admit that it wasn't worth it. Samantha should admit the same.
Bots says
16 years ago
She's changed. I believe for the better but that change did not come without cost. She believes it "free" however. Whatever she held on
Bots says
16 years ago
to before has no more value. So it was exchaned. The perception changed but there is still cost.
Samantha says
16 years ago
Hmm. Now that Bots mention its, I suppose that's true.
Samantha says
16 years ago
MikeT says
16 years ago
*massages Bots back* Go muskol men! (p_yupi)
MikeT says
16 years ago
Samantha says
16 years ago
Before I became truly happy, I've had a very humbling experience. XD I was deeply mired in sadness.
Bots says
16 years ago
Don't dwell on it. People get depressed dwelling on things they give up. Be happy!
Samantha says
16 years ago
I'm happy. >:E
Bots says
16 years ago
Good girl! *pats*
Mad Coffee says
16 years ago
not all
Shiro says
16 years ago
But you should still be careful, though. Too much happiness can blind you to the things happening around you. Stay happy, but stay grounded.
16 years ago
agrees with Shiro and blames Gaki for this philosophical topic.
Samantha hopes
16 years ago
that it's what she's trying to do. :-P
FeatheMoon says
16 years ago
nope, everything has a value, so to have something, you have to give something of equal value.
Shiro says
16 years ago
Edward Elric, is that you?
Shocolatte says
16 years ago
smile doesn't cost a thing :-) - Gaki
Shocolatte says
16 years ago
hugs too (s_cozy) - Gaki
MikeT says
16 years ago
Biologically, it does.
16 years ago
Muscles! :3 XD
MikeT says
16 years ago
Think stretched skin.
c_mo says
16 years ago
it costs atp... Adenosine tri phosphate powers the muscles of your face that makes you smile... :-)
Bots says
16 years ago
... I used to use that name.
MikeT says
16 years ago
Deym c_mo! (g_lol)
c_mo says
16 years ago
ATP comes from sugars from food we eat. to get food we have 2 pay for d ingredients or meal with money. Hence it costs money to smile B-)
c_mo says
16 years ago
lolx... :'-(
16 years ago
Sabaw etong thread na eto. XD Hahah!
MikeT thinks
16 years ago
c_mo is over-analyzing already. (g_lol) Ang naisip ko lang ay wrinkles. XD
Bots says
16 years ago
Sabaw :-D :-D :-D I love sabaw.
Shocolatte says
16 years ago
amfs! and there goes the Dust Baby Magnet (s_LOL) - Gaki
MikeT was
16 years ago
confused by Gaki's last statement.
Bots is
16 years ago
still confused by Gaki's statement.
MikeT asks
16 years ago
Still confused, Bots? What's your analysis of her response?
Shocolatte says
16 years ago
c_mo is the Dust Baby Magnet y'know (s_LOL) - Gaki
c_mo says
16 years ago
Bots asks
16 years ago
what a dust baby is?
SiOps says
16 years ago
long story, c_mo is an incubator for dust babies
FeatheMoon is
16 years ago
confused. What's a Dust Baby Magnet? or i shouldn't have asked?
c_mo says
16 years ago
shouldn't have asked... (s_tears)
SiOps says
16 years ago
and he has the tendency to unconsciously attract dust babies. They need to incubate or else they explode
c_mo says
16 years ago
bully is back! Quit bullying the sick! (s_angry)
MikeT asks
16 years ago
So, what's a dust baby? (g_thinking)
SiOps says
16 years ago
mr sicko, im just explaining it to the pipz who asked...lolx
c_mo says
16 years ago
bully... (s_tears)
16 years ago
mutters incoherently.
SiOps says
16 years ago
nope nope nope, not bullying, a dust baby was produced when chino got preggy, but when it was time for the dust baabis to come out, they
SiOps says
16 years ago
instantly explode when they were introduced to the outer realms of their incubator chino
SiOps says
16 years ago
now they have found c_mo,to be their natural habitat, an incubator to survive
Bots has
16 years ago
a WTF expression openly displayed on his face.
MikeT needs
16 years ago
a flowchart with pretty pictures to be able to understand what eckoy just described. (s_LOL)
c_mo says
16 years ago
Hey Shiro, hows that mechwalker and mech spoon treating you>
SiOps says
16 years ago
ohhhhhhh changing the topic wakekeke
Shiro says
16 years ago
Me-cha-kit. :'-(
16 years ago
still wants to know what dust babies are. So far all replies have not helpd.
MikeT is
16 years ago
also waiting for the answer.
c_mo says
16 years ago
its a bully tool concocted by eckoy to persecute (like a philistine) poor innocent (and sickly) c_mo.
16 years ago
scratches both his heads in utter confusion. He also washes his hands after.
Shocolatte says
16 years ago
c_mo, for humanity! (woot) - Gaki
MikeT says
16 years ago
OT: Gaki, 5:30 na. Lakad na!
SiOps says
16 years ago
c_mo is the key to finding out what dust babies really are
Bots asks
16 years ago
Who's the lock?
MikeT says
16 years ago
Probably eckoy to turn the magnet off and release all the dust babies. (woot)
Bots thinks
16 years ago
So it's time to shove c_mo up eckoy's butt and twist so we finally understand dust babies?
c_mo is
16 years ago
SiOps says
16 years ago
that would be uttery impossible, have u seen c_mo.... this would spell death for me lolx... please find another lock for the big key lolx
MikeT says
16 years ago
The other way around, Bots. eckoy's the key, remember?
SiOps says
16 years ago
no no no im leaving... go figure the mystery of the dust babies on your own, to get chicken nuggets
Russell says
16 years ago
*too lazy to read 102 replies* Not everything is free. But with everything else, there's Visa. XD
Syuveil says
16 years ago
^ (same, i'm lazy to read all those replies). "free things are the best thing in life." (s_LOL)
Ulaire feels
16 years ago
that since Sex is free, then he should agree (s_LOL)
Shocolatte says
16 years ago
anong sex na naman to, James (s_LOL) - Gaki
Shocolatte says
16 years ago
why? (woot) - Gaki
16 years ago
means the making love and doing it kind of sex. it's the only thing we were made to do di ba?
Shocolatte says
16 years ago
ONLY? :-& - Gaki
Bots says
16 years ago
I therefore conclude that nothing is free!
ぼんた 「Bonta」 says
16 years ago
what is the context of "best things" there is no other good thing in this God-forsaken world but MALICE AND MISERY
Ulaire thinks
16 years ago
"malice" = malisyoso = malibog = horny; "misery" = NOT GETTING ANY
Ulaire is
16 years ago
sharing that we got to pass on the genes, right???
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