waltabbyworld feels
15 years ago
that Pres. Cleveland's response letter was a bit awkward. He certainly was appreciative of Washington's efforts. But he says...
latest #6
waltabbyworld says
15 years ago
"it will be strange indeed" if his race doesn't become motivated by his address. Pres. Cleveland is revealing some sort of underlying doubt.
waltabbyworld says
15 years ago
Washington follows the letter by writing of his admiration for him. But personally, i sensed doubt in the president's tone. prob was scared
chelseab says
15 years ago
I agree that the letter was very awkward. I don't think that the Pres. knew how to react or to handle the situation I guess..
15 years ago
Yeah, it seemed that the president was unsure of how to regard an African-American man of such influence
waltabbyworld says
15 years ago
And even after The pres responded to washington with a weird vibe, Washington was more than thrilled to hear back from him. shows what kind
waltabbyworld says
15 years ago
of dude washington was!!!! he maintained a positive attitude throughout his entire cause to better the slavery situation.
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