jamesduthie has
16 years ago
posted a new article - onlinemarketingbanter.co...
latest #8
16 years ago
james, james, your articles are getting spicy - getting better and better
vangogh says
16 years ago
agree completely. At least with the handful of words I actually read. (g_lol)
vangogh says
16 years ago
I've never bought into all the skimming data as you can tell from my posts. I think it depends on your audience .
vangogh says
16 years ago
I also think people tend to scan to decide if they want to read, but once they decide to read they actually read
16 years ago
to vangogh - "also think people tend to scan to decide" am I alright to say you tend to believe that doesn't matter the how long
lucioribeiro is
16 years ago
your post/article, users will still read it all if it's relevant?
jamesduthie says
16 years ago
vangogh - I know you're from the same school of thought as myself. Our posts are often very similar in terms of length.
jamesduthie says
16 years ago
And I agree the scanning is just to decide if they'll read or not. I know that's how I read online.
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