Monna says
14 years ago
why do people make private plurks when they send it to everyone?
latest #15
Sallymander says
14 years ago
can you make a private plurk to a group of friends? I've never tried to send a private plurk
14 years ago
i think it's because they only want the people on their timeline to be able to read it and not the general public
Monna says
14 years ago
Ja but then just make it private
Monna says
14 years ago
the entire plurk
14 years ago
Say you had a public timeline, but you wanted to Plurk something that only your friends could see. If you mark it friends only, it shows as
14 years ago
private. Same if you just send it to a few people, or if you send it to a clique you've created
Sallymander says
14 years ago
I'm glad somebody's all up on the plurk. lol
Envoy, Inc.
14 years ago
Sally, you can easily make 'cliques', which are just selected groups of plurkers. Just a shortcut for sending to s certain group of ...
Envoy, Inc.
14 years ago
people, and *only* them. And while a few people see them, they do have the little private 'lock' icon on them.
Circle says
14 years ago
Circle says
14 years ago
There is cliques? :'-(
14 years ago
I hate the name of them, but its really quite handy. For instance, I made a clique of people who are interested in BPAL so I can natter
14 years ago
on to them about it without spamming up everyone else's timelines
they are sending to clique
Envoy, Inc.
14 years ago
Terrible name, valuable function. Just as Momo says. I've only a couple, but do use them.
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