老V又怎样 says
14 years ago
back to actual life - 2 presentations this week - たいへんですね。
latest #6
jackbjg says
14 years ago
honey moon 2 days liao, now back to reality la....?
老V又怎样 says
14 years ago
haha yalo.. haih..
jackbjg says
14 years ago
haih apa haih..... got people purposely come out teman you for two days, still wanna haih haih haih. me gotta wait next week leh
老V又怎样 says
14 years ago
hehe hehe then haih lo..
老V又怎样 says
14 years ago
you are haih then hehe ma..
jackbjg says
14 years ago
like that also can
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