awake the whole night again.
latest #26
same as me!!.you better get some sleep though.
why??not tired uhs??stay up the whole day.
hahs. others said that to me too
lol.but it seems that you are always awake.
even though its school days.. i just cant sleep!!!
haha.take sleeping pills??LOL.u still need go skoll??
yeahh. still needa go to school. and sleeping pills?? no way. im not taking any drugs! haha
i thought u finish skoll,ok it a bad idea then'
yeahh. it starts at 7.30 today. end at 10+. went home, lie down on the bed, still cant sleep
ouh.haha.Make urself tired then,so you can sleep
hahaha run the whole field
lol.why till you get tired.
haha problem, ive been skating from 11 till now. still not tired.
ur body like got so much energy sei.HAHA
haha its been long since im like this. i really think something is wrong
well you should seek for help thn.
lol.i got no more idea.haha.dun sleep lahs. are like already doing that.
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