Grace :B says
14 years ago
im left with nothing :'-(
latest #28
`Wilberlyn says
14 years ago
cheer up okay !
` xGhost says
14 years ago
Girlfr ! yous still have mes ! (:
Grace :B says
14 years ago
thanks girlfr )': but i wan him bck T_T
` xGhost says
14 years ago
What happen >,<
` xGhost says
14 years ago
cheerupps alrights girlgirl, i don't want see yous sadsad ):
Grace :B says
14 years ago
we broke up alr )': for one week le. i cannot sleep , cannot concentrat on studies , cannot eat )':
Grace :B says
14 years ago
i miss him , i keep thinking of him . i always dream we patch le , but thn when i wake up , he's still gone )':
Grace :B says
14 years ago
me heart pain , i really love him alot )':
` xGhost says
14 years ago
ask him for patch ?. don't sad nehs. yous &! me the same, yearning for the person to be back by your side ):
Grace :B says
14 years ago
` xGhost says
14 years ago
yous &! me the situation is the samee
` xGhost says
14 years ago
Just cheerupps, cya in school alrights (:
Grace :B says
14 years ago
i tried before, nothing works )': i really love him alot , i really cant bare t see him walk out og my life girlfr );
Grace :B says
14 years ago
he very important t me )':
` xGhost says
14 years ago
Did yous tell hims how important is he to yous ?
` xGhost says
14 years ago
he got blogger ?
Grace :B says
14 years ago
got, bt he deleted th acc )':
` xGhost says
14 years ago
Haiyos ..
Grace :B says
14 years ago
idk what t do girlf .
` xGhost says
14 years ago
girlfr don't cry over a boy. Be like me's, smile every day..
Grace :B says
14 years ago
i cant.
Grace :B says
14 years ago
` xGhost says
14 years ago
alrights, got to go liaos.. CYA IN SCHOOL ALRIGHTS [: *Hugs .
Grace :B says
14 years ago
very hard t forget him , we've been through so many things for so long , seven months , i everyday crying T_T 13 days crying )':
xJING ت . says
14 years ago
`Wilberlyn says
14 years ago
Maybe give him sometime ? he will ask for patch 1 day . cheer up ya .
Grace :B says
14 years ago
dont think so. thanks ):
`Wilberlyn says
14 years ago
cheer up cheerup ! :-D
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