Crighton says
14 years ago
I am quite distressed about the Twins total collapse against the Yankees last night. They gave them that game, like three times. (doh)
latest #6
Crighton says
14 years ago
All season long, they win games by being fundamentally sound. All that goes out the window last night. (doh)
Crighton says
14 years ago
Crighton says
14 years ago
(doh) (doh) (doh)
Catty says
14 years ago
OMG I do not follow that but live in the same house as my mother and OMG she's been screaming at the tv off and on all week over them!
Catty says
14 years ago
my daughter and i just go hide
14 years ago
it is what MN teams do... sigh.... resistance is futile....
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