According to the article, China's ability as global engine in doubt.
China still relies on Export-led growth, may not substitute US's comsuming power.
Of course you know, someone product something, someone should comsume that.Someone export something someone import that.
It is obvious principle, but we occasionaly forget that. If one country keep 7% of GDP growth, ten years after, its product be double.
In US, before finaicial shock, lent money, and consume things and threw that, and consume new one. thier debt was bought by who? Yes,we did.
Sub-prime Loan,has good interest, but has good risk too.We Asian din't know the contents, bought that and lost money.
So, you know, Products should be consumed, and it is better consumed within the country as far as possible.
Yet GDP growth increased rapidly, our enviroments changed very fast either, but our custom hard to change.
The people ten years ago consumed 1, and now, why he can consume 2? The material's consumption has its limit naturally.
Our economy should be convert to Service economy from manufacturing. We can consume service without considering pollution, either.
Yet Old custom would obstacle that, it is stingy of "money" not "materials". Of course Materials should be save for our planet.
We have to use money more aggressively, especially for service, not investing, for our society.
We should culculate oppotunity cost, do rational things by using service instead doing all things by yourself.
The money you spend for service would nourish your countries, that make your business chance bigger, and return to you.