im not human..can i response?
haha good. thers a human in here. lol
omg you're not human? what species are you?? xD
no la..hybrid human..a genetically enhance human
hmm does it mean that you're inhuman? lol
so mr, can i know how were you born?
im having an interview for animal planets right now lol
normally..duh..but when i was a kid i was injected with a genetic enhance serum!!
owh wow! can u tell us more about how it feels?
stronger..faster..immune to pain
whoa cool, i should regard you as endangered species. hahahahaha
woo!! giler!! that means im normal!! wee1!
yeahh both of you are doing great. keep on argueing. the debate starts now.
yeahh gadoh gadoh. amalkan slalu hahahahaha
*hides in one corner afraid*
me uh. haha. i make zen scared.
i meow he scared. be kembang uh. you slow la. lol
*runs with flaming back side*
hahaha stepping cute. pirated. not like me. no need step already cute. haha this is called pureness. hahahaha
lerr..ak melayu bbual ade prob skit
we prasan taik nvm. its better. than you memang da taik, takya prasan. lol
selamer ni ko pon bukan human la nie?