Jensen Anckles
14 years ago
what's ur talent and hobby? what's that diffent? i say my tatlent is sleeping. right??
latest #7
宅 火星 says
14 years ago
ur hobby can hav sleep as one of them. talent is like u can sleep at any time any place in 3 second
Jane says
14 years ago hobby is eat, eat everything?!
Jensen Anckles
14 years ago
haha,thx.well,i think my talent not sleep,is swimming! im very fastttt!! lol
宅 火星 says
14 years ago
i like swim too
Jensen Anckles says
14 years ago
really?very cool!
宅 火星 says
14 years ago
but, no one teach me butterfly. i wanna learn this.
Jensen Anckles says
14 years ago
haha,i don't butterfly too.thats difficult .dont
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