16 years ago
Playing with Ping.fm before dawn. Dangerous. Testing to see which services post to other services to kill duplicates. Apologies in advance!
latest #6
daynah says
16 years ago
no, that's just very considerate of you. :-)
daysies says
16 years ago
make sure you turn off Twitter updates in BrightKite :-)
Kalei says
16 years ago
Lemme know what happens. I was getting double posts somewhere - but I forget where. :-(
Daddy-O says
16 years ago
I always forget to use Ping and end up doing it all manually. boo, me.
halemikale likes
16 years ago
letting ping.fm do all the work for me.
billso hopes
16 years ago
these services work on their APIs and notification schemes.
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