Shun_Ichiro thinks
15 years ago
from today's China-post 10/4
latest #6
Shun_Ichiro says
15 years ago
Today I was attracted the article about "Facebook contact with students"
Shun_Ichiro says
15 years ago
Arthor described the experience that he joined current students FB friends.
Shun_Ichiro says
15 years ago
It was seemingly good methods to communicate with students. But the author was regretted.
Shun_Ichiro says
15 years ago
Teacher is not a friend of students. Now I have strongly agreed him.
Shun_Ichiro says
15 years ago
Teacher should eveluate students. Therefore teacher should keep some distance with students.
Shun_Ichiro says
15 years ago
For the objective scoring. But It seemingly very useful be friend with gradeated students as well.
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