cklau is
14 years ago
preparing for the coming material quiz!
latest #34
deNNis says
14 years ago
(tears) (tears) (tears)
cklau says
14 years ago
deNNis says
14 years ago
i really dead d lo this time... (tears) (sleeping)
Winnie says
14 years ago
I have quiz tomorrow too. Don't need to worry lah
Winnie says
14 years ago
take it easy
deNNis says
14 years ago
but seriously..i noe NTH! see the notes also blur d....then during lectures, i din pay attention le...lagi damn blur! (tears) (tears)
cklau says
14 years ago
take it hard then u will score high, trust me (dance)
Winnie says
14 years ago
I just studied new stuff which will appear in my quiz tomorrow. In front of FB.
Winnie says
14 years ago
I tell you I never worry much during tests and exams haha mungkin that's why my prestasi like orang bodoh only
cklau says
14 years ago
ya meh? calculus 31 wor... :-o
deNNis says
14 years ago
oppss..CK..y u tell out?hahahaa
Winnie says
14 years ago
haha yes that also I didn't worry when I was doing it. The night before the test I was studying it while watching Little Britain
cklau says
14 years ago
great then, evybody have their own way of study. (dance)
deNNis says
14 years ago
everybody except me! (tears) :'-(
Winnie says
14 years ago
now I'm studying while Facebooking and chatting
Winnie says
14 years ago
I think I'm so going to do badly tomorrow
cklau says
14 years ago
i finished the 'hafal' chapters adi, tats why i can online while studying. (dance)
Winnie says
14 years ago
I haven't finished studying also I can go online haha now I feel like going to sleep already.
deNNis says
14 years ago
me too..feel like going to sleep but wanna go bath then continue "serious" reading.... (sick)
Winnie says
14 years ago
my gawd look at the time! my sleeping time
cklau says
14 years ago
mr dennis if u burn mid nite oil n fall sick, no1 is going to give u kesian mark...
cklau says
14 years ago
nitez winnie (wave)
deNNis says
14 years ago
but i must at least try to get familiar with the topics ma....if not i will be so so so dead! i think tomolo i sit beside malays and copy!
deNNis says
14 years ago
Winnie says
14 years ago
copying is bad. my class ends at 11 and I plan to skip class tomorrow so sleep late also nevermind
cklau says
14 years ago
lol...i should call u copy cat then...++u think the malay wil giv u d correct ans? may b they never study too... (LOL)
deNNis says
14 years ago
yeah...but quiz nvm la...get 5/20 i don mind also... (unsure)
cklau says
14 years ago
winnie ic...
Winnie says
14 years ago
my principle in life - never copy during tests
deNNis says
14 years ago
really no hope on this subject d...too hard d..sometimes i wonder y need to take this subject!! X-(
Winnie says
14 years ago
even if you don't know how to do you shouldn't copy
deNNis says
14 years ago far i managed to hold myself from the temptation to copy la...but if everyone starts copying...i might do so too..hahaa
cklau says
14 years ago
im going to sleep... chao... (wave)
deNNis says
14 years ago
(music) B-)
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