FIONA, wants
15 years ago
time to go slower. (tears)
latest #14
FIONA, says
15 years ago
lol. i want time to fly slower. i rather have later holidays! LOOL.
FIONA, says
15 years ago
haha. partly bcos don't want endofyears to come so quickly.
FIONA, says
15 years ago
yes. haha :-D don't know why also
FIONA, says
15 years ago
heheh. when you starting EOY?
FIONA, says
15 years ago
woahs. still got break wan. LOL! mine starting on 8th then all the way until 21th :-(
FIONA, says
15 years ago
hmmm. 1nov. i thought i told you before. LOL :-D
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