16 years ago
hears an alarm go off somewhere in the vicinity. Sees flashes of red where he was sure there shouldn't be any.
latest #118
16 years ago
fiddles with the computers at his discretion until he'd shown the source of the problem, which is - an intruder?
Xanxus is
16 years ago
familiar enough with Vongola technology to activate the monitors. He commands the cameras to zero in on the newcomer -
16 years ago
frowns as the familiar length of white hair fills his screen.
16 years ago
smashes his fist onto the controls just to get them to shut the fuck down. He doesn't need to see any more of this.
16 years ago
thinks: So - Squalo is the one that Iemitsu says he's no match for...? With a wicked grin, he further thinks, He'll have to see about that.
Squalo is
16 years ago
wandering through the facility, holding himself ready every time he crosses another junction or turns another corner.
Squalo has
16 years ago
seen the unconscious and injured guards around the area. He knows that his boss must be awake.
Squalo thinks
16 years ago
that Xanxus is definitely not going to make this easy for the both of them.
16 years ago
watches squalo from the safety of the command center, vaguely amused that fear is starting to register in the young man's face.
16 years ago
decides it's time to test if this "rendezvous" is worth his time. Presses one of the buttons he's remembered, in his long hours of waiting.
16 years ago
grins, as he sees the doors shut in on the Angelshark, and the walls slowly come closing in.
16 years ago
only frowns at this recent development & immediately sets his eyes on the door nearest to him. He carves it up and escapes from the area.
Squalo is
16 years ago
relieved, but only for a moment. Now he knows that Xanxus is somewhere, watching. His boss is familiar with the way the facility works.
16 years ago
decides to take his chances.
Squalo says
16 years ago
"Come down and meet me face to face, boss!" into the air. "I now you can see me."
16 years ago
narrows his eyes at the silver gaze challenging him through the screen.
16 years ago
activates the communicator, and says into it "Angel - no, Squalo. Don't call me your boss."
Xanxus says
16 years ago
Iemitsu reminded me of that - I'm no longer the son of the Ninth Boss, not even on paper. I am nothing but your equal in the Varia.
16 years ago
grins evilly as he adds, "That is, if you can find me and take me back to the Vongole mansion alive."
16 years ago
turns off the communicator and strides out of the room, leaving a wall of static as a clue as the only clue to his whereabouts.
Жестокость says
16 years ago
(remove "as a clue" please. bad editing is bad)
16 years ago
resists the violent urge to curse because really: he had expected this. He *had* hoped to avoid it though.
16 years ago
pauses, noting where the security cameras may have been located. He finds a blind spot to hide out in so that he can think things over.
Squalo likes
16 years ago
to think that he knows his boss (or is it just Xanxus now?) well: the man was a sniper.
16 years ago
knows that snipers like to keep moving, staying on the fringes, maintainin distance from their enemies.
16 years ago
whispers a prayer under his breath and moves out, quickening his pace. He either has to outrun Xanxus or use the facility against him.
16 years ago
steps out of the safety of the command center, feels his blood rushing through his veins for the first time, since his ice cage was broken.
Xanxus thinks
16 years ago
THIS was what he had been awakened for. This feeling. The thought that he and someone as strong as he would be fighting head-to-head.
Xanxus thinks
16 years ago
Fuck the Ninth. Fuck the Vongole. He was going to enjoy every damned second of this.
16 years ago
moves though the corridors of his prison swiftly and silently as a shadow, seeking out the scent of the shark on his trail.
16 years ago
makes sure to alter his movements from what he knows Xanxus is used to. He is pretty certain that the man is trying to chase him down.
Squalo wants
16 years ago
this to happen. He guns for the real central panel of the facility, one that he is sure Xanxus does not know about.
16 years ago
takes long cuts when he would've taken short cuts, thinking of what he might've done before & turning it on its head.
Squalo has
16 years ago
grown out of the nickname "Angelshark". If Xanxus refuses to be called boss, then he will show Xanxus how different Squalo Superbi now is.
16 years ago
senses the shark somewhere nearby, after a short while of following his trail.
Xanxus feels
16 years ago
it in his gut; he doesn't have to feel the shadow of strands of silver hair cool as moonlight through his fingertips, yet he does.
Xanxus feels
16 years ago
Squalo is here. And moving closer.
Xanxus thinks
16 years ago
he might be moving toward the place he had just come from - the prison's command center. How predictable, these Vongole.
16 years ago
licks his lips and wills himself to stillness, waits.
16 years ago
ducks into one of the smaller, well-hidden mini-control centers to locate Xanxus' position.
16 years ago
smiles in spite of himself. The man is doubling back to what he perceived to be the facility's central control area. He's prepared for this.
16 years ago
pulls out a small, cool disk from his pocket - a gift from Viper. He cuts himself just enough to feed the stone with his blood.
16 years ago
tosses the stone to the ground & watches as it becomes a decoy of himself. He instructs it to head straight for Xanxus' location.
Squalo is
16 years ago
sure that Xanxus is expecting him to charge in & fall into the man's trap.
Squalo thinks
16 years ago
This will buy him time: he's nearly at the real control center of the facility. The decoy just has to keep Xanxus occupied for long enough.
Xanxus feels
16 years ago
something is wrong as Squalo approaches. There's something not quite right about the weight displaced in the air, the scent -
Xanxus thinks
16 years ago
the scent - it's Superbia Squalo's blood. Delectable enough; there's no mistaking it. But why this foreboding -
16 years ago
steps out of the shadows at just the right time, all instinct, all blood-rush, his fists closing in around -
16 years ago
- nothing. The image of Superbia Squalo disintegrates in his grip, melts into a puddle of blood and water pooling at his feet.
16 years ago
stares at the illusion dissolving at the very spot where he stood, breathing heavily.
16 years ago
lets out an angry howl, finally understanding -
16 years ago
- just as the entrances and exits to the room where is in start sliding shut.
16 years ago
watches the command center that Xanxus is in go on lock down. His fingers dance across the keyboard as he types in another set of commands.
16 years ago
opens all communication lines in what has now become Xanxus' cage. He makes sure their security cameras are trained on him as he steps out.
16 years ago
takes the communicator out of his pocket, and forces a call into Xanxus' new prison cell. He does not speak until the line connects.
Squalo is
16 years ago
trying not to think about how painfully good Xanxus looks. He remembers the feel of lips at the nape of his neck, and shivers.
16 years ago
steels himself. He keeps his voice steady and his feet walking.
Squalo says
16 years ago
I'm not as reckless as I used to be. You've just learned that the hard way.
Squalo says
16 years ago
They called me over because I could match you. If you don't believe it, I can prove it to you as soon as I'm given the chance.
Squalo says
16 years ago
Of course, if you want to fight me and see for yourself, I don't mind. I've always been out to please you, haven't I?
16 years ago
stops in front of the locked command area. He types in the master code, and enters. It's programmed to lock & respond only to his password.
16 years ago
squares his gaze up to look at Xanxus' face. It's harder to do that than he had imagined it would be, and that's saying a lot.
Squalo asks
16 years ago
...Now, are you going to come quietly, Xaxnus, or will we really have to fight for it?
Squalo feels
16 years ago
odd, calling his boss by his first name.
16 years ago
meets Squalo's gaze unwavering, his eyes burning holes into his former subordinate's skull.
Xanxus says
16 years ago
So... is this what you've become without me, Angelshark?
Xanxus says
16 years ago
Begging for scraps - doing what your captors tell you to do. A Vongole pet, at their beck and call?
16 years ago
grunts. Then laughs - a cruel laugh, filled with bile, even in captivity.
Xanxus says
16 years ago
How could you think I will ever come quietly.
16 years ago
steps up close to Squalo. The look on the young man's face could only excite him further.
16 years ago
gently, almost lovingly, wraps the fingers of his one hand around Superbia Squalo's neck.
Xanxus says
16 years ago
into the other young man's ear, as he tightens his hold, "No matter how powerful you've become, you never had a hold on me."
Squalo has
16 years ago
almost missed this. Years ago, he would give in.
Squalo is
16 years ago
not, however, the same person he was before they put Xanxus under.
16 years ago
stands his ground and grabs the wrist of the hand on his neck and pulls it away, all the while matching Xanxus' gaze.
Squalo says
16 years ago
"The Varia is the only thing that can move me now. If it suits me to follow the Vongole, I do so. If it doesn't, I don't."
Squalo says
16 years ago
all of this as he moves closer, his lips just shy of meeting Xanxus'. He retains his grip on the other man's wrist.
Squalo feels
16 years ago
Xaxnus' hot breath against his face. It is a familiar sensation.
Squalo says
16 years ago
I don't need to have a hold on you to make you follow me, I think. You'll do it on your own.
16 years ago
keeps his gaze on his former subordinate's, for a good long while. It was a test of wills, and one he was not about to lose.
Xanxus is
16 years ago
nonetheless amazed at the willpower in Squalo's eyes. Where had he gotten that? Who had given it to him, in his long absence?
Xanxus says
16 years ago
softly, wryly, "Such confidence, Angelshark."
16 years ago
wrests his hand free from Squalo's grip in a single gesture.
Xanxus says
16 years ago
I wonder why it suits you to follow the Vongole now. What could they offer you in exchange for keeping me harmless?
Xanxus asks
16 years ago
as he steps up closer, tips Squalo's chin up with the edge of a finger, "What are they threatening to do to you, if you fail?"
16 years ago
snakes one arm around Squalo's waist, pulls the other young man closer. He realizes with sudden intensity: he had been in storage too long.
Squalo has
16 years ago
really, really missed this. It is taking everything he has to remain in control, to not flinch like he used to, to not give & give.
16 years ago
remembers the talks & the conditions. He remembers the fights, what he's worked for, the nights spent gazing at a living corpse in crystal.
Squalo thinks
16 years ago
They offered me nothing. They threatened to take you away, and I would rather kill you myself than let them do it.
Squalo will
16 years ago
not say what he thinks. Xanxus will have to find out for himself. He tells Xanxus this, by not speaking, by not kissing him.
Squalo wants
16 years ago
Xanxus alive, because boss or no, Xanxus is his world.
16 years ago
breaks into a soft chuckle. Then a laugh.
16 years ago
shoves himself off Squalo violently. The force throws the other young man against a wall, and places a larger distance between them.
Xanxus says
16 years ago
And you are here because of that? Because they're taking me away? Foolish Angelshark... I thought you were better than this.
16 years ago
swiftly, at an almost insane speed, changes the expression on his face from affection to hate.
Xanxus says
16 years ago
You can go back to the old man empty-handed. I'm not going to clean up his successor's shit.
Xanxus says
16 years ago
Whatever he's done to himself, he can keep. You can leave me here if you want.
16 years ago
turns from the messenger sent to bring him back, and starts to walk away.
16 years ago
sees Xanxus' back and can think of little else beyond those broad shoulders, the scars on the skin hidden beneath those clothes.
16 years ago
draws his sword and steps forward. He holds the sword out, resting the tip just against the back of Xanxus' neck.
Squalo says
16 years ago
I'm not leaving without you, even if it means that I have to kick the shit out of you and drag you back to Italy in chains.
Squalo will
16 years ago
never back down again.
Xanxus feels
16 years ago
the tip of Squalo's sword against the back of his neck, fights a shudder creeping up his spine.
Xanxus thinks
16 years ago
: never before has Squalo been fast enough to sneak up on him like this.
16 years ago
smirks, oddly satisfied.
Xanxus says
16 years ago
You... should have brought some really strong chains.
16 years ago
whips round and almost tears Squalo in half with the flame blades shooting from his hand. But the young is simply too fast for him.
Xanxus thinks
16 years ago
he has been warned; Squalo is stronger than he is, now. He has much to catch up with. He needs to be ready.
16 years ago
finds it too easy nonetheless to think that a stronger Angelshark is a more seductive Angelshark - like sharp knives, like poison rain.
Squalo feels
16 years ago
the heat of the flames as they lick the air close to his face. Strangely, they remind him of the old feel of lips down his jaw, his neck.
Squalo is
16 years ago
smiling now. Xanxus has not changed - he's only become more of himself. In their world, that is comforting.
16 years ago
snaps forward, dragging his sword across the floor, stirring up the dust at their feet, using it to shield his next strike.
Squalo is
16 years ago
happy when he sees Xanxus dodge. It only proves to him that things are moving according to plan.
Squalo is
16 years ago
, after all, the man who knows Xanxus best.
16 years ago
begins to test this knowledge as he rains down blow upon blow. He barely feels whatever Xanxus throws at him in the moments to come.
Squalo wonders
16 years ago
how long they will have to keep this up, but he does so briefly. It does not matter. It's been too long.
Squalo thinks
16 years ago
of the first time they fucked as he cuts Xanxus for the first time that day.
Pᴀᴍᴍᴜ says
16 years ago
(...And they fought until dawn. Thanks for watching, guys. 8D)
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