can someone create a web site with just pen and paper?
latest #16
sure, get someone to type the code for you
of course, that will be the last step. but can someone codes a web site without the help of a computer.
a web site i meant is a full function business site
sure, if there's someone doing the coding & image for you tho
no, including coding. write the code with pen and paper, then type into computer at the end.
it's gonna take longer.... i do actully type code in text editor when building sites tho...
i think that will be very difficult as you have to know everything very well.
it just takes time....i don't like some tool building code for u cos most of the tools create junk codes for u tho
but isn't it take a long time if you built the whole thing yourself, including crm
it will become easier to manage later, speically if the website is dynamically generated..cos u will be using tmplates all the time
have no idea what you are talking about. ha ha
if u talk illustrator to me i'll be like u too.. haha
not really for me....i am not familiar with vector graphics...
it's easy, just take times
same, doing websites on paper takes times too
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