zozobraswife is
16 years ago
finally awake, drinking coffee and getting ready to knit this http://www.flickr.com/photos/22222167@N04/2719514271/
latest #7
zozobraswife says
16 years ago
the yarn is to finish this http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3061/2697619170_00e17fe8e0.jpg
zozobraswife says
16 years ago
it's a Morning Surf Scarf from the most recent issue of Spin Off - lovely!
happycat loves
16 years ago
royal fibers alpaca. so soft & yummy!
zozobraswife says
16 years ago
yes - it's sort of decadent. Vacationed in Ruidoso this summer so it's souvenir yarn.
zozobraswife says
16 years ago
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