Aka says
14 years ago
Dear Mr friending person.. I don't speak Chinese of any kind, so I can't be your friend. But thanks for trying. (wave)
latest #7
JeℓℓyBean™ says
14 years ago
you're so nice about it. I'm like (angry) and X-( SPAMMER DO NOT FRIEND ME!
Aka says
14 years ago
LOL! I found it funny more then annoying. If I could read chinese without babel then I so would have said yes.
Aka says
14 years ago
but I can't and it would be way to annoying to use babel everytime I wanted to read a post. (annoyed)
JeℓℓyBean™ says
14 years ago
true. I follow Tsad on Twitter & I have to translate his French constantly but it brings me joy, cause it's FRENCH!
Aka says
14 years ago
lol well as long as it brings you joy that is all that matters (LOL)
JeℓℓyBean™ says
14 years ago
did I mention, it's FRENCH?
Aka says
14 years ago
twice now. lol But it would still annoy me :-P lol
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