Sarah has
14 years ago
just finished replying to emails of great encouragement after I sent out my blog last night :-)
latest #7
14 years ago
that reminds me I haven't read it yet! I need to sleep now, so I'll have to do that tomorrow.
Sarah says
14 years ago
have you got a new one out? it's great to practice my Dutch with !
tinybear421 says
14 years ago
14 years ago
I was referring to your blog Sarah, I don't really blog. I do sometimes write something on my mobileMe site, but that's nothing near a blog
14 years ago
I only write something once a month I wouldn't call that a blog either, but it keeps people informed atleast thats what I hope it does :-)
14 years ago
I thought I had read something of yours? Maybe it was just your website then? I'm confused! lol
14 years ago
It could have been this: link
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