Sarah has
14 years ago
realised that she might have to start fundraising again as due to the exchange rate dropping I have lost over AUD$900 for my missions!
latest #7
14 years ago
which is not good for me unfortunately :-( I've got to get my thinking cap on again and start writing more letters
14 years ago
can't you get the money in Aussie currency on a bank down under? That way you don't lose value over exchange fluctuations.
Sarah says
14 years ago
I can't open an account till I'm there and the visa can take up to twelve weeks to be granted. Brain is going crazy at the moment!
tinybear421 says
14 years ago
14 years ago
14 years ago
Sorry it's over AUD800 not 9... I'm still perplexed as to what to do... please pray for inspiration :-)
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