emsgeiss is
16 years ago
making a plurkby too...insane day...deadlines, final push to primary Tuesday & DH's opponent is mudslinging. Niiice
latest #7
Jenn says
16 years ago
(s_bye) sling some mud back! (s_angry) LOL
emsgeiss says
16 years ago
no, no...we don't play that way...you lay down with dogs...you get fleas...but you do use your blog constructively bwah ha ha ha ha!!!!!
Missy says
16 years ago
Good for you! You don't want those fleas. ;-)
Jenn says
16 years ago
good girl - I wondered what your response would be to that. hehe
karenalaniz says
16 years ago
I totally agree Erika. I've been saying for like 10 years...that if someone ran an "I won't join in on the negative campaigning" campaign...
karenalaniz says
16 years ago
I'd vote for them! It would say alot about a person's character, imo. Getting so sick and tired of it in the presidential election!
emsgeiss says
16 years ago
that's one of my points in my response to the slinging on my blog. Not only is it politics as usual, it's doubly so as a female politician.
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