that place was not only hell to work at but they were going to go under soon. I'm glad to be out of there...
they already proved they can't even manage themselves...
so this is not a surprise to me...
they were unprofessional, late on payments and then dodging the bill collectors so I had to deal with them...
forget that I was grateful for the layoff..with severance pay.
congrats... I have been liberated twice
Wow, you are lucky they actually gave you severance pay.
I felt the same way when I lost my job. I hated my job and do not regret being laid off. Only months later...
in June did I get a bit scared about finding another one. But I did not start looking until June.
but losing the job was the best thing that happened to me. So congrats 'cause I know how you feel.
the best part ws my husband was not upset
he just that I should have found a new job a long time ago
I'm not married but people around me were not worried for me because they knew I hated the job and wanted out.
but it was ten minutes from where I live and the pay was good
yeah, not liking your job makes ppl wonder why you stood there so long
I mean I could walk to work
for me it was because I worked from home and that was a big plus on my book.
yes it's usually something that keeps us there and good pay and easy commute is a good reason.
luvsels that's so true. I was saying that Monday, I need to leave this job. Thursday I was laid off
I have to admit I got laid off in March (officially) but did not look for anything until June. I wanted the break. Now I am bored ...
everything happens for a reason
and ready to be productive again.
like I said before I have never left the office smiling
I mean I lost my job and I was happy
I have never felt that way
I was never hurt and given the option to go home. I just went back to work. I had meetings that afternoon.
My manager said he had never seen such a professional person. He was surprised that I was chairing the meetings like usual.
why not, I did not get laid off based on performance, it was because I did not live/work in Ohio. No big deal to me.