Allen F
15 years ago
Finish the poem below : Roses are red, violets are blue;
latest #18
Allen F says
15 years ago
i know i' sweet; so back off a few feet.. :-P
ChenZhen says
15 years ago
ChenZhen says
15 years ago
is suppose to be... sugar is sweet but not as sweet as you..
Pichuhibrido says
15 years ago
everyone know that, you silly fool.
ChenZhen says
15 years ago
u say who fool?
Pichuhibrido says
15 years ago
nobody, i tried to finish the poem
ChenZhen says
15 years ago
EeLeen says
15 years ago
Allen F says
15 years ago
lousy excuse.. :-P
khalyn says
15 years ago
roses are red, violets are hands have some eggs, for me to throw at you.. :-P nice?
Pichuhibrido says
15 years ago
let's throw some at you, better?
khalyn says
15 years ago
did i offended u in any way? >.<
EeLeen says
15 years ago
dun worry khai..i will help u.. (cozy)
Pichuhibrido says
15 years ago
swt, i mean used this sentence as last sentence at ur poem...
EeLeen says
15 years ago
oic... (LOL)
khalyn says
15 years ago
hahahaa...orite mr seven...understd now..
Allen F says
15 years ago
lol ! GGnye...
Pichuhibrido says
15 years ago
luckily i got follow, if not cham lor
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