Lolagrrl says
16 years ago
LOL! I can't believe the news just ran a story on the fact that last night's stunt by Chris Angel "Might have been a hoax." (g_doh)
latest #9
16 years ago
no way?!
Venus says
16 years ago
wow, ya think? lol He strikes me as a total douche.
SinCitySteve says
16 years ago
Love the news here in the bay
Lolagrrl says
16 years ago
I still want those 15 minutes of my life back when I watched that stupid show. The fact that the announcer showed NO concern was a giveaway
tmcamp asks
16 years ago
You . . . you mean it wasn't magic?
16 years ago
I fucking hate criss angel MINDFREAK.
Lolagrrl says
16 years ago
UltimateSteve - I know! I was so embarrassed at how they tried to make such a big deal out of it. (s_LOL)
Lolagrrl says
16 years ago
ROFL! Yes, Chris. I ~believe~. I believe you are a douchebag! (g_lol)
SinCitySteve says
16 years ago
24 hour LOCAL new just doesn't seem to work.
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