Rochelleyyy hates
14 years ago
when people litter :[ And when dumb little girls smoke to be "cool"
latest #8
lodie says
14 years ago
ugh. agreed!
Rochelleyyy says
14 years ago
yeahh...society tsk tsk
Dragon says
14 years ago
I bet they were under peer pressure, not that it makes it okay.
Rochelleyyy says
14 years ago
Oh thats not the case...They're my friend Lynns friends and they're 15 and they are always asking Lynn to buy them ciggs
Rochelleyyy says
14 years ago
And giving other people their own...And when I met her I told her she better not be thinking about lighting her sciggarette with out
Rochelleyyy says
14 years ago
rolling down the window...
Rochelleyyy says
14 years ago
Its because they're young though and still dont really know anything about life
Dragon says
14 years ago
:-( theyre hurting themseles
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