beccy1 has
15 years ago
6,5000 photos taken in Uganda to browse through.
latest #9
beccy1 says
15 years ago
yes that's right 6,500
beccy1 says
15 years ago
the number of photos taken by 22 venture scouts and leaders during their recent aid trip to Uganda.
15 years ago
15 years ago
beccy1 says
15 years ago
I think it will take a while to work my way through them!
supergran says
15 years ago
how lovely will you put some on FB for me to see.
beccy1 says
15 years ago
yes, at the moment they're all on Dillon's ipod. It's too many for my laptop to store so I have to work out a way to do it.
supergran says
15 years ago
beccy1 on a disc or memory stick?
beccy1 says
15 years ago
I need 25mb which I don't have but as the photos are from 22 people I'm sure many will be the same so some can be deleted.
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