15 years ago
heads over to West's place to take care of his BEST best man duties.
latest #55
15 years ago
Gilbert says
15 years ago
Hey, hey~ How's it going, bruder?
15 years ago
:-( I-I don't know how to wear my hair...
15 years ago
blinks. "Are you serious? Just wear it like you always do! That's your style."
15 years ago
touches his own hair, unsure. "But he's mentioned before he likes it when it's ruffled up..."
Gilbert says
15 years ago
You can do that at the honeymoon, ruffled hair doesn't work at a wedding, West.
15 years ago
sighs and nods, sitting hard onto a chair. "Guess you're right."
15 years ago
pats his brother's back. "Come on, even *I* will wear my hair nicely for this occasion."
15 years ago
stares at him. "And you'll keep your clothes on?"
15 years ago
nods firmly. "Just this once, I swear."
Ludwig is
15 years ago
relieved. "Thank you, I appreciate it."
Gilbert says
15 years ago
No problem! So, what else needs to get done around here?
15 years ago
shrugs, leaning back in the chair. "Roderich has most of it covered, so I guess we just... wait." He sighs. "I could use a beer..."
15 years ago
smirks. "Two beers coming right up!" He heads off to the fridge, digging up a couple of beers and handing one to his brother.
Gilbert says
15 years ago
Your last beer as a single man. Enjoy it.
15 years ago
takes the beer with a sad smile before opening it and holding it up for a toast of sorts. "Maybe for you too, eh?"
15 years ago
opens his beer as well and gives Ludwig a confused look. "For me? Nah, I like being free."
15 years ago
taps the beer to Gilbert's before taking a long drink. "Oh sure, sure."
15 years ago
takes a swig from his beer. "You don't sound too convinced."
15 years ago
smirks to himself, rubbing the beer between his hands, not saying anything. He just gives him a sneaky looking (because he did learn from
15 years ago
the best).
15 years ago
ruffles Ludwig's hair with his free hand. "Come on, you should be getting ready if you want to make it on time."
15 years ago
looks at his watch and drops the beer. "Oh shit... an hour...."
15 years ago
mourns for the beer. "Yep, that's more than enough time if you get started now."
15 years ago
debates whether to clean up the beer or not but instead just leaps over it, skidding over the wooden floor (in socks), to his bedroom.
15 years ago
follows after him, still holding onto his beer. "Hey, where's the ring?"
15 years ago
trips over the rug, crashing hard. He groans and points to the night stand. "T-there. Both of them."
Gilbert says
15 years ago
Ouch, be careful, West.
15 years ago
spots Ludwig's suit and gets it out and ready. "We want you alive and in one piece at that wedding, okay?"
15 years ago
nods and stands, rubbing his chin, hoping there won't be a mark. "I'm pretty sure I can dress myself, Bruder."
Gilbert says
15 years ago
Good to know, I was starting to doubt it.
15 years ago
finishes up his beer. "Then I'll go get changed too and I'll be right back."
15 years ago
takes the suit from him. "I'll yell if I need help," he says sarcastically.
15 years ago
smirks. "I'll be alert." Then goes off to change into his suit.
15 years ago
quickly (but carefully) dresses in the suit with shaky hands, not really able to believe this was actually happening. He went to the mirror
15 years ago
on a nearby vanity, brushing his hair back carefully, rubbing at the reddening mark from his fall. "Ugh.."
15 years ago
comes back to Ludwig's room, all dressed up and with his hair combed back. It's the apocalypse. "Ah, that's looking nasty."
15 years ago
turns to look at Gilbert and then Roderich, sighing in relief with the sight of Gilbert dressed and Roderich here. "It's not going away."
15 years ago
looks over at Roderich. "You got any make up?"
Ludwig gives
15 years ago
Roderich an odd look before looking away from the mirror. "Maybe if I just put a cold cloth on it."
15 years ago
smirks, noticing Roderich's reaction. "What? Is it that shocking to see me all decent looking?"
15 years ago
says Anyway, says we'll have to ask one of the girl's at the church then.
15 years ago
blushes brightly and avoids his look. "Tripped over the rug, fell down."
15 years ago
can't help but hug him briefly, but quickly pulls away, taking a deep calming breath. "Thank you, for everything."
15 years ago
looks at his watch. "Okay guys, better get moving."
15 years ago
takes another deep breath and nods as well, unable to form real words at this point
15 years ago
grabs the rings. "Ready, West?"
Ludwig says
15 years ago
As ready as I'll ever be.
15 years ago
drags Ludwig off to the cathedral.
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