yaaah ibu mau belajar... dada mesti off
latest #31
Emang blajar apa?kok off?
ibu belajar apa gitu tp ibu kan nyuruh aku yg ngelanjutin ngeringkas.. terus ibu ketiduran aku l aja.. hehe
hahahahah biar aja.. hehehe mumpung ibu tertiduuur... wkwkwkwk
Haha iya sih gpp, gue jg sering gitu.haha
nih gue respond pake lirik yg gampang ya.hah
And this will lead to the time
We spent the night and talked about our lives
We spent the night and talked about our lives
And don't forget to say goodnight
And I look you in the eyes
The temperature was cold but didn't mean anything
Since then I miss you everyday and everynight
I came between the doorstep and window
I'll let you see the part of the world you haven't seen before
So take me by the hand
Let's go
gk tau... itu lagu apa kak?
itu lirik lagu MYMP lho kak...
every day and every night... gitu" deh...

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