lizsal wonders
15 years ago
if anyone can recommend a good book - looking for something new to read!
latest #26
canedewey says
15 years ago
well, what kind of books do you dig?
lizsal says
15 years ago
hmm thriller, mystery, historical fiction, weird british humour :-) Finished everything on my to-read list. checking Amazon, Infloox etc now
canedewey says
15 years ago
well, have you tried much Dean Koontz or Orson Scott Card?
canedewey says
15 years ago
Dean Koontz - The Watches
canedewey says
15 years ago
Dean Koontz - Odd Thomas
canedewey says
15 years ago
Orson Scott Card - Ender's Game
canedewey says
15 years ago
Orson Scott Card - Magic Street
canedewey says
15 years ago
Orson Scott Card - Lovelock
canedewey says
15 years ago
brithis? did you read Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman?
lizsal says
15 years ago
Dean Koontz yes, and loved his stuff! Orson Scott Card no, but heard of him and will check it out. Shamefully haven't read Good Omens :-o
canedewey says
15 years ago
don't be ashamed
canedewey says
15 years ago
canedewey says
15 years ago
but yes, Good Omens was fantastic
lizsal says
15 years ago
k thanks!! will check it out and post my thoughts here after reading...
canedewey says
15 years ago
ha ha
canedewey says
15 years ago
wow, aren't you proper
canedewey says
15 years ago
glad we have another book reader on plurk
lizsal says
15 years ago
proper? why?
canedewey says
15 years ago
nothing, you seem pleasant, I am just kind of a jerk, get used to it ;-)
Che Rex
15 years ago
Oooo a book-type person. Can I add you?
Che Rex
15 years ago
Ehm, reading Neal Stephenson's Anathem right now. I'm lovin' it.
lizsal says
15 years ago
haha yes of course! :-) nice to meet you! think quick: favourite authors! go!
Che Rex
15 years ago
Also loved his Cryptonomicon
Che Rex
15 years ago
I second Good Omens too
canedewey says
15 years ago
oooh, Neal Stephenson, niiiice
canedewey says
15 years ago
my favorite authors: Garth Ennis, Brian Lumley, Orson Scott Card, Gail Simone, Kevin Smith, Neil Gaiman, Dean koontz, Greg Rucka
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