Grigg was
15 years ago
at a Thinking Maps training today. Great training. I highly recommend it, if you get the chance.
latest #8
XSS says
15 years ago
I was at a Thinking Maps training too last Saturday and it was good!!
AngelicaRamsey loves
15 years ago
Thinking Maps!!!
Kath says
15 years ago
ok, hate to be the dummy, but what is Thinking Maps?
Grigg says
15 years ago
Kathbc: to quote the training materials, "a language of eight visual patterns each based on a fundamental thinking process."
Grigg says
15 years ago
It's basically 8 maps (like graphic organizers) that help organize 8 different thinking processes: define, describe, compare and contrast,
Grigg says
15 years ago
classifying, whole to part relationships, sequencing, analyzing cause and effect and analogies.
Kath says
15 years ago
Grigg, thanks for explaining it to me. I appreciate that.
Kath says
15 years ago
sounds very interesting.
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