CarRe says
14 years ago
:-( applying to Gaston College. Yay.
latest #30
***Jaclyn*** says
14 years ago
It's not hard...
CarRe says
14 years ago
no. it's stupid
SouthernSweety says
14 years ago
Applying to college or applying to THAT college?
CarRe says
14 years ago
applying to college. i'm supposed to be army right now, but college bound
CarRe says
14 years ago
*not college bound, sorry
SouthernSweety says
14 years ago
Applying to college is NOT stupid. It is every bit as honorable as going into the military.
***Jaclyn*** says
14 years ago
Well the Army works on their time...not yours.
SouthernSweety says
14 years ago
Jaclyn is right... college takes just as much effort and time as joining the military.
SouthernSweety says
14 years ago
Just because you're not military *right now* doesn't mean that you won't possibly eventually be.
SouthernSweety says
14 years ago
You would do well to keep your mind open to other doors that may have opened to you instead of staring at
SouthernSweety says
14 years ago
the "Army" door long after it has closed.
CarRe says
14 years ago
right now it's waiting for the army. yes, i was going to college but not now. not to get out of high school early to go to college early
CarRe says
14 years ago
i'd rather go with my friends, but i won't since i'm getting out early
***Jaclyn*** says
14 years ago
Well then you should have thought about that before counting on graduating early.
SouthernSweety says
14 years ago
So wait... you're graduating early because you were dead-set on something that won't be happening now?
SouthernSweety says
14 years ago
That's just slightly irresponsible on your part. Never EVER assume something is going to happen with the military... it always gets screwed.
CarRe says
14 years ago
i was counting on the military. i was counting on the fact that i'm one the of healthiest people but they don't want me because they say i'm
CarRe says
14 years ago
not in good health at all
***Jaclyn*** says
14 years ago
You can't always count on the military to come up with the answers you want when you want them. It most likely own't happen.
***Jaclyn*** says
14 years ago
CarRe says
14 years ago
i thought half a year would be enough time.
SouthernSweety says
14 years ago
It's THEIR perception of health that they're after, not yours. If they don't see you as healthy, they're *not* going to take you.
SouthernSweety says
14 years ago
Easy as that, point blank.
CarRe says
14 years ago
you don't think i know that. i've been yelling at myself for that ever since coming home from meps.
SouthernSweety says
14 years ago
Don't get an attitude with me. I am simply expressing my opinion.
CarRe says
14 years ago
i know, and i'm stating the fact that i do know that. and i often think about it
SouthernSweety says
14 years ago
You are getting an entitlement attitude due to something beyond your control.
SouthernSweety says
14 years ago
You're NOT going military right now so the responsible thing to do is to look at other possibilities for a future.
***Jaclyn*** says
14 years ago
She's right Carla.
CarRe says
14 years ago
which is why i just sent an online application to gaston
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