IsRAFAel shares
15 years ago
I voted for Nutella at the Poll here:
latest #7
riacar says
15 years ago
LOL it's always Nutella. I would also yell out NUTELLA ON ROGER FEDERER but since it's strictly Nadal news, I be skurd.
Cla says
15 years ago
Haha. I voted for the same. Various applications (on Roger Federer), but they do not need to know that.
IsRAFAel says
15 years ago
IKR? that "(various applications)" is too temptingly broad - even includes NUTELLA ON ROGER FEDERER! (dance)(dance)(dance)
kaoko 🐮 says
15 years ago
Oh I'm sure the webmaster was thinking the same thing. Lookie, motorboat is included. Wussat V45 Princess?
IsRAFAel says
15 years ago
prolly - unless they gave him that one they used on a photoshoot :3
EagerLoveAvenge asks
15 years ago
R-18 gentle massage with Nutella by Roger Federer on a motorboat? (hassle)
riacar says
15 years ago
They DO say that chocolate has a lot of anti-oxidants and it's good for the skiiiiin ;-)
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