BrIan Teo says
14 years ago
"chialee's not telling me something.." hmph
latest #10
chialee says
14 years ago
what am i not telling you???? btw, so many ppl thought we are in love..! (lmao)
chialee says
14 years ago
(lmao) (lmao) (lmao)
chialee says
14 years ago
(lmao) (lmao) (lmao) (lmao) (lmao)
JoeyBoey says
14 years ago
its normal when both of you are single, but hang out too much tgt
wilkinsontan says
14 years ago
hahahaha really? i didn hear anyrhing also.. r u? (:
JoeyBoey says
14 years ago
laugh until slam table of course not la.
wilkinsontan says
14 years ago
maybe trying to cover up their secret leh.... rite chia?
iamcheek says
14 years ago
hohoho i was 1 of them....
JoeyBoey says
14 years ago
triangle love. iamcheek also one of them Sighhh
BrIan Teo says
14 years ago
things that you're supposed to tell me lo. chia and me?lol funny...
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