Desertnut says
14 years ago
Good morning! I'm back (wave)
latest #29
poulsen says
14 years ago
great to see you back!
14 years ago
says yippee!
14 years ago
tell us how you are!
voxypop pop says
14 years ago
is it for real? :-D
Desertnut says
14 years ago
Hello everyone! Good to see some of your smiley faces :-) Yes, voxypop it's the real deal! mimi I'm doing great now that I completed
Desertnut says
14 years ago
some of my big projects I've been working on. I'm sure I'll be getting more now that golf season will be back again.
Desertnut says
14 years ago
Missed everyone. So much to catch up on. Hope all of you are doing fine.
14 years ago
missed you so much. Please read my ( long because I thought it was a private plurk) plurk to you in response to my plurk about seeking a
14 years ago
puppy earlier today. (wave)
Desertnut says
14 years ago
dawne, I plurked back to you about Pumpkin in a private plurk. Hope you got it.
voxypop pop says
14 years ago
it's party time! (party)
14 years ago
(party)(party)(party)(party)(party)(party) - no we're not really going there, are we?
Desertnut says
14 years ago
(dance) (dance) (dance) (party) (party) (banana_rock) (banana_cool) (banana_rock) (headspin) (banana_cool) (drinking)
poulsen says
14 years ago
oh, so we are - well I'm not one to miss a party (dance) (dance) (dance) (dance) (dance) (dance)
poulsen says
14 years ago
wow, perfect line-up
voxypop pop says
14 years ago
theres one more space.
poulsen says
14 years ago
not on my screen. :-P
ProudNerd says
14 years ago
where are you now?
andré pelotas says
14 years ago
No sensible decision can be taken without taking into account not only the world as it is, but how it will be.
DarinRMcClure is
14 years ago
this thing on?
14 years ago
are you really back??
14 years ago
Hurray! I have been packing stuff, including computer, and transitioning to Oregon. I am so glad to see you back!!! (cozy)
poulsen wonders
13 years ago
bikeman says
13 years ago
Hello :-)
2 years ago
dawne: hi
2 years ago
bikeman: hello
2 years ago
poulsen: hi
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