15 years ago
I didn't know about Sumar. Stupid me didn't make any connection with these songs. I didn't know... I hope Da comes home soon.
latest #13
dillydally says
15 years ago
you weren't to know Linda, it's been a few weeks and you weren't around (cozy)(cozy)(cozy)
15 years ago
I didn't really know her, but she was a part of this crazy family we've built, and I know very dear to you. it's very sad, I know she tou
15 years ago
touched a lot of hearts. I'm sorry I didn't know her better. sorry I missed so much. and very sorry for your loss Sally, and her family's
dillydally says
15 years ago
thank you Linda! (cozy)(cozy)
mumzski is
15 years ago
sorry I dint tell you a week ago when you asked for news of what you'd missed. Dint know if you knew her actually as she :-(
15 years ago
hadn't started plurking before you left?
15 years ago
it's ok sis. I knew her vaguely though we never actually chatted. It's lovely to see how well loved she was by so many. what a bles
15 years ago
blessing she was for those she left behind
dillydally says
15 years ago
the posts on her wall after she died were truly amazing Linda, I watched them all come in and it was beautiful!
dillydally says
15 years ago
I also let her family know about those, just in case they wanted to read them
15 years ago
Yes Sally, I went to her wall when it dawned on me what the meaning was behind all the Sumar songs. I saw all the beautiful heartfelt messa
15 years ago
messages. I smiled when I saw some were from SuperGrover
15 years ago
yes, that was special.
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