BirgitteLotus says
15 years ago
OMG..:-& I have a nasty headache today (tears)
latest #6
Fooh says
15 years ago
A walk in the lovely summerweather will do you good! The blue sky of september will make you smile (cozy)
BirgitteLotus says
15 years ago
My blood pressure is out of balance, therefore, a headache that just hell, I've got a new medicine but it does not work as it should :'-(
Fooh says
15 years ago
that's serious, then more serious actions than a walk is needed. (hug) to you, a big one!
Fooh says
15 years ago
BirgitteLotus says
15 years ago
Yes it is really serious, it is far too high. I'll talk to my doctor again. Maybe the medicine I have right now just is not good enough :-(
BirgitteLotus says
15 years ago
But I must go take a walk later in the day, I am forced to, whether it hurts or not (annoyed)
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