Sherley hates
15 years ago
中午吃飽後25腰的585再度壓迫我的小腹...怎麼好像離目標體重越來越遠... X-(
Nalayu shares
15 years ago
I can't remember the time when I had waist of 25... maybe when I was 5? 35 is more recent for me :-P
Sherley says
15 years ago
ha...just make sure it stays at 35...
zackyen says
14 years ago
Hello Shery~ you went back 2 Taiwan already?
pc8086 says
14 years ago
扁案二審法官有無內定 媒體記者應該在人工抽籤行使前上場檢驗籤物 從籤物之 溫度 大小 厚薄 輕重.........等一一檢驗同步放映 答案自知